From The Doctrines For Spiritual Christianity
Interiorly the human being is divided into separate degrees, and each degree has its own termination that serves to separate it from the degree beneath it. This is so with every degree from the inmost one to the outermost. The interior rational constitutes the first degree, the degree in which celestial angels are, that is, where the inmost or third heaven is. The exterior rational makes up the second degree, the one in which spiritual angels are, that is, where the middle or second heaven is. The interior natural makes up the third degree, the one in which good spirits are, that is, where the last and lowest or first heaven is. And the exterior natural, the level of the senses, makes up the fourth degree, in which man is. These degrees also exist within man, each degree completely distinct and separate. Consequently, if he leads a good life, he is interiorly a miniature heaven; that is, his interiors correspond to the three heavens. Also, if he has led a life of charity and love he can be taken after death all the way up to the third heaven. But if he is to be someone like this, each degree within him must be furnished with its own specific termination that makes it separate from the next one. When those degrees do have those terminations, making them distinct and separate from one another, each degree has a floor on which good flowing in from the Lord can rest and where it is received. Without such terminations acting as floors that good is not received but passes straight through, as if through a sieve or through ‘a basket with holes in it’, down to the sensory level. There, because it has not received any direction on the way, this good is turned into something foul, though it is seen as good by the recipients of it at that lowest level. That is to say, the good is turned into the kind of delight that belongs to a selfish and worldly love, and consequently into the kind of delight that belongs to hatred, revenge, cruelty, adultery, and avarice, or into sheer self-gratification and personal extravagance. This is what happens if the degrees of a person’s will exist without a termination anywhere at all in the middle, that is, if ‘they have holes in them’. One can also actually know whether these terminations and therefore floors exist; people’s abilities to perceive what is good and true point to the existence of them, as do their consciences. In the case of those who, like celestial angels, have the ability to perceive what is good and true, terminations exist in every degree, from the first to the last. Unless each degree has its own termination, no perceptive abilities such as these can exist. In the case of those who, like spiritual angels, have conscience, terminations likewise exist, but only in the second degree or else in the third down to the last. For them the first degree is closed. One must say in the second degree or else in the third because conscience is twofold – interior and exterior. Interior conscience is one that concerns itself with what is spiritually good and true, exterior conscience one that concerns itself with what is just and fair. Conscience itself is an interior floor which provides inflowing Divine Good with a termination; but those who have no conscience do not have any interior floor to receive that influx. In their case good passes straight through to the exterior natural, or the natural level of the senses, where it is turned, as has been stated, into foul delights. These people sometimes feel pain like that of conscience, but this is not conscience. The pain is caused by the loss of what they delight in, such as the loss of position, gain, reputation, life, pleasures, or the friendship of others who are like themselves. They suffer pain because the terminations which they possess consist in those kinds of delights. (Arcana Coelestia 5145)
The ideas constituting angels’ thought are not natural, as those constituting men’s are; instead they are spiritual. But it is difficult for anyone to grasp what their spiritual ideas are like unless he thinks and reflects on a more internal level about his own thoughts as they are in their first beginnings. They then exist without the words of language, as is recognized from their being of such a nature that a person can grasp in an instant more than can be expressed by an utterance made in any space of time. Ideas such as these composing thought belong to the person’s spirit. But the ideas that a person grasps and that pass into words are natural ones, which the learned call material, whereas the former, that is, those existing on a more internal level, are called spiritual, and by the learned immaterial. A person enters into these ideas after death, when he becomes a spirit, and uses them to converse with other spirits. A correspondence exists between these ideas and natural ones, and through that correspondence spiritual ideas are converted into natural ones when the person speaks. The person is not conscious of this because he does not stop to reflect on it, nor are any capable of reflecting on it except those who think on a more internal level, that is, on that of their spirit separately from the body. This is something that people whose minds do not rise above the level of the senses cannot do at all. (Arcana Coelestia 10604)
This being the nature of heaven, no angel or spirit can possibly have any life unless he lives in some community, and in so doing in a harmonious relationship of many people. A community is nothing else than the harmonious relationship of many, for one person’s life in no sense exists in isolation from the life of others. Indeed no angel, spirit, or community can possibly have any life, that is, be moved by good to will anything, or be moved by truth to think anything, if he is not joined to heaven and to the world of spirits through the many in his own community. The same applies to the human race. No one whatever, no matter who, can possibly live, that is, be moved by good to will anything, or be moved by truth to think anything, unless he has in like manner been joined to heaven through the angels residing with him, and to the world of spirits, and even to hell through the spirits residing with him. (Arcana Coelestia 687)
Key Points From The Video
Distinct Intellectual and Volitional Qualities:
– Celestial Heaven: Interior rational perception, deep and intrinsic understanding of Divine truths.
– Spiritual Heaven: Exterior rational intelligence, analytical and interpretative approach to Divine principles.
– Natural Heaven: Interior natural perception, blending Divine truths with natural elements of mind.
Human Thought and Its Limitations: Human thought is externally natural or sensual, often confined to material realities and sensory experiences, limiting spiritual understanding.
Interior Consociation of Minds Across the Heavens: Divine qualities and insights flow from one level of heaven to another, enhancing spiritual vitality and unity.
– Celestial to Spiritual: Celestial angels communicate innocence to spiritual angels.
– Spiritual to Natural: Spiritual angels communicate charity, along with received innocence, to natural angels.
Distinct Yet Harmonious: The heavens are distinguished by their unique intellectual and volitional qualities, with an interconnected communication system that facilitates the flow of Divine love and wisdom, creating a harmonious and enriched spiritual community.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What characterises the intellectual and volitional qualities of the celestial heaven?
a) Exterior rational intelligence
b) Interior natural perception
c) Exterior natural perception
d) Interior rational perception
Answer: d)
2. How do spiritual angels engage with Divine truths?
a) Through intuitive understanding
b) Through sensory experiences
c) Through analytical and interpretative approach
d) Through material possessions
Answer: c)
3. What limits human thought in its spiritual capacity?
a) Focus on Divine love
b) Emphasis on material realities and sensory experiences
c) Deep understanding of spiritual truths
d) Interior consociation of minds
Answer: b)
4. What do celestial angels communicate to spiritual angels?
a) Divine wisdom
b) Material wealth
c) Innocence
d) Sensory experiences
Answer: c)
5. How is the natural heaven’s perception described?
a) Completely material and sensory-focused
b) Deep and intrinsic understanding of Divine truths
c) Blending Divine truths with natural elements of mind
d) Solely analytical and interpretative
Answer: c)
Reflective Questions
1. How can recognising the unique intellectual and volitional qualities of each heavenly level of mind influence your spiritual growth and understanding?
2. In what ways can you strive to transcend the material limitations of human thought to enhance your spiritual perception?
3. How does the concept of interior consociation and interconnection of minds inspire you to cultivate deeper spiritual connections and community?
Experiential Integration
Reflection on Spiritual Hierarchy
- Morning Intention: Begin your day with a prayer or meditation focusing on aligning your thoughts and actions with Divine love and wisdom.
- Throughout the Day: Practice mindfulness in your interactions, striving to engage with others selflessly, reflecting the qualities of the spiritual and celestial heavens.
- Evening Reflection: Reflect on how your thoughts and actions throughout the day contributed to your spiritual growth and understanding of Divine truths.
Further Exploration
Although the heavens are so distinct that there can be no companionship between the angels of one heaven and the angels of another, still the Lord joins all the heavens together by both direct and mediate influx-direct from Himself into all the heavens, and mediate from one heaven into another. He thus makes the three heavens to be one, and all to be in such connection from the First to the Last that nothing unconnected is possible. Whatever is not connected through intermediates with the First can have no permanent existence, but is dissipated and becomes nothing. (Heaven and Hell 37)
There are two universal kinds of good, the first being that which is called the good of faith, the second that which is referred to as the good of love. The good of faith is the kind of good meant by ‘a drink-offering’, and the good of love the kind meant by ‘oil’. The good of love exists with those whom the Lord brings to what is good by an internal way, while the good of faith exists with those He brings to it by an external way. The good of love exists with members of the celestial Church, and likewise with angels of the inmost or third heaven, but the good of faith with members of the spiritual Church, and likewise with angels of the middle or second heaven. Consequently the first kind of good is called celestial good, whereas the second kind is called spiritual good. The difference between the two is, on the one hand, willing what is good out of a will for good and, on the other, willing what is good out of an understanding of it. (Arcana Coelestia 4581)
There are in general three elements which depart from the literal sense of the Word when it becomes the internal sense; these are the temporal, the spatial, and the personal. The reason for this is that neither time nor space exists in the spiritual world. These two elements belong properly to the natural order, which also accounts for its being said that those who die depart from the realm of time, leaving temporal concerns behind them. And the reason why in the spiritual world they do not see anything that has to do specifically with some person is that any focusing, when they speak, on some particular person narrows down and limits the idea they have in mind; such a focusing prevents any broadening or removal of limits to their idea. Their use, when they speak, of broadened and unlimited ideas renders their language universal, a language that includes and enables them to express countless and also wondrous ideas. This is what the language used by angels is like, especially that used by celestial angels, which, compared with that employed by others, knows no limitations. This being so, the whole of their speech reaches into what is infinite and into what is eternal, consequently into the Divine of the Lord. (Arcana Coelestia 5253{2})