
Session 1: LP 101 (Sarah Walker)

7am Sat 10th USA EST 

8.30pm Sat 10th ACT Australia

12noon Sat 10th BST 

1pm Sat 10th South Africa

11pm Sat 10th New Zealand 

As a group we’ll be working through a review of the 6 step methodology of Logopraxis. It will be an opportunity to share what works for you and what’s difficult or where you get stuck sometimes, and to hear the same from others. We will also take at 1 or 2 passages from the Arcana Coelestia and look at ways in which we might translate it into a principle and then into an LP task. This workshop is for all regardless of how long you’ve been using the LP approach. So please come and share your experiential knowledge of the process so that new and fresh ways to engage might unfold in our midst. 

  • We’ll be using this 1 page 6 step summary as a jumping off point. You can use this link to download it – 6-steps LP cycle (PDF 1- page)
  • There will be a repeat workshop of this in Session 2 but these aren’t meant to be exclusive. Each session will offer different things as the mix of states present in any group are never repeated, so please feel open to attending both.

Session 2: LP 101 (Sarah Walker)

4pm Sat 10th USA EST

5.30am Sun 11th ACT Australia

9pm Sat 10th UK BST 

10pm Sat 10th South Africa

8am Sun 11th New Zealand 

As a group we’ll be working through a review of the 6 step methodology of Logopraxis. It will be an opportunity to share what works for you and what’s difficult or where you get stuck sometimes, and to hear the same from others. We will also take at 1 or 2 passages from the Arcana Coelestia and look at ways in which we might translate it into a principle and then into an LP task. This workshop is for all regardless of how long you’ve been using the LP approach. So please come and share your experiential knowledge of the process so that new and fresh ways to engage might unfold in our midst.

  • We’ll be using this 1 page 6 step summary as a jumping off point. You can use this link to download it – 6-steps LP cycle (PDF 1- page)
  • There will be a repeat workshop of this in Session 1 but these aren’t meant to be exclusive. Each session will offer different things as the mix of states present in any group are never repeated, so please feel open to attending both.

Session 3: The Contentious Nature of Divine Truth (Joe Vandermeer)

7.30pm Sat 10th USA EST 

9.00am Sun 11th ACT Australia

12.30am Sun 11th UK BST

1.30am Sun 11th South Africa

11.30am Sun 11th New Zealand 

We are told in the Text that Divine Truths usually seem contentious to our rational minds. Is that true, and if so, why would we have such trouble accepting it? We will examine some examples to illustrate what is meant by Divine Truth. How should we deal with that situation? How do such truths benefit us? How can I accept them? As we look at examples there will be a chance for interaction.

Session 4: Finding Language With Resonance (Julian Duckworth)

2am Sun 11th USA EST

3.30pm Sun 11th ACT Australia

7am Sun 11th UK BST 

8am Sun 11th South Africa 

6pm Sun 11th New Zealand 

Language plays an essential role in our understanding of spiritual processes. The processes themselves are not linguistic, they are existential; but using language brings them to our awareness. For example, the idea that the Lord does not force us or break us, but bends us, is full of rich meaning and feeling. During the session we will be finding and sharing language that can give precision, depth and life to the Work, in what lies within us and in the relationship we are in with the Lord. We will aim for all that “says it”. 

Session 5: Navigating Temptation – A Catalyst for Spiritual Growth Temptation (David Millar)

7am Sun 11th USA EST 

8.30pm Sun 11th ACT Australia

12noon Sun 11th UK BST

1pm Sun 11th South Africa

11pm Sun 11th New Zealand 

Temptation is often seen as something to be avoided, but could it be a crucial element in our spiritual journey? In this session we have an opportunity to explore the temptation experience and reframe it as a necessary catalyst for change in Logopraxis work.