11. Connecting Natural Effects With Spiritual Causes

That natural things represent spiritual things, and that they correspond, may also be known from the fact that what is natural cannot possibly come forth except from a cause prior to itself. Its cause is from what is spiritual; and there is nothing natural which does not thence derive its cause. Natural forms are effects; nor can they appear as causes, still less as causes of causes, or beginnings; but they receive their forms according to the use in the place where they are; and yet the forms of the effects represent the things which are of the causes; and indeed these latter things represent those which are of the beginnings. Thus all natural things represent those which are of the spiritual things to which they correspond; and in fact the spiritual things also represent those which are of the celestial things from which they are.​ (Arcana Coelestia 2991)

In a word, all things that come into existence in nature, from the least to the greatest are correspondences. They are correspondences because the natural world with all things belonging to it comes into existence and continues in existence from the spiritual world, and both worlds from the Divine. It is said to continue in existence also because everything continues in existence by virtue of that from which it comes into existence, for, continuing in existence is a perpetual coming into existence, and because not a thing can continue in existence from itself, but from something prior to itself, thus from the First. Therefore, if separated from that it would utterly perish and vanish. (Heaven and Hell 106)

What is more, nothing ever exists in the created world that does not have a correspondence with things in the spiritual world, and so that does not represent in its own way something in the Lord’s kingdom. It is from there that all things come into being and are kept in being. If man knew that this is how these things stand he would never attribute everything to natural forces as he is accustomed to do. Consequently each and all things in the universe represent the Lord’s kingdom, so much so that the universe with all its constellations, its various atmospheres, and its three kingdoms is nothing else than a kind of stage on which the Lord’s glory as it exists in heaven is represented. (Arcana Coelestia 2999&3000)

Correspondences have absolute force, so great that what is done on earth in accordance with correspondences has force in heaven; for correspondences have their origin in the Divine.When people are governed by the good of love and faith, such correspondence exists with them. The Divine composes everything residing with them, for the Divine is the source of the good of love and the good of faith (Arcana Coelestia 8615)

Inasmuch therefore as each and all things subsist, that is, continually come forth, from the Divine, and as each and all things thence derived must needs be representative of those things whereby they came into existence, it follows that the visible universe is nothing else than a theater representative of the Lord’s kingdom; and that this kingdom is a theater representative of the Lord Himself. (Arcana Coelestia 3483)

With every man, who is in Divine order, there is an internal and an external, his internal is called the spiritual, or the spiritual man, and his external is called the natural, or the natural man (n. 9781015445963099701-9709). The spiritual man is in the light of heaven, and the natural man in the light of the world (n. 5965). The natural man can discern nothing from himself, but from the spiritual (n. 5286). The natural is like a face in which the interiors see themselves, and thus man thinks (n. 5165). The spiritual man thinks in the natural, consequently naturally, so far as it comes to the sensual perception of the natural (n. 3679516562846299). The natural is the plane, in which the spiritual terminates (n. 56516275628462999216). The spiritual sees nothing, unless the natural be in correspondence (n. 349336203623). The spiritual or internal man can see what is being done in the natural or external, but not the contrary, because the spiritual flows into the natural, and not the natural into the spiritual (n. 32194667511952595427-5428547763229109-9110). The natural man from his own light, which is called the light [lumen] of nature, knows nothing concerning God, nor concerning heaven, nor concerning the life after death; neither does he believe, if he hears of such things, unless spiritual light, which is light from heaven, flows into that natural light [lumen] (n. 8944). (The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 48)

Linking Representative Effects with Spiritual Causes: Every natural phenomenon has a spiritual cause that explains its existence and nature, allowing us to interpret natural phenomena as manifestations and thus observable effects of spiritual principles.

Integration with Divine Order: Correspondence links all representative effects to the Divine origin, affirming that all creation reflects the Lord’s Divine love and wisdom, and underscores the unity and coherence of all existence.Transforming Our Perception: Understanding the connection between natural effects and spiritual causes transforms our perception of reality, revealing the natural world as an expression of Divine love and wisdom and deepening our appreciation for the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

1. What does the science of correspondence primarily explore?
a) Financial markets.
b) Relationships between natural effects and spiritual causes.
c) Technological advancements.
d) Historical events.
Answer: b)

2. How does correspondence explain the existence and nature of natural phenomena?
a) Through random chance.
b) Via purely physical laws
c) By linking them to spiritual causes.
d) By focusing on human activities.
Answer: c)

3. What role does the Lord play in the science of correspondence?
a) None.
b) As a scientific principle.
c) As a historical figure.
d) As the first and only cause of all things that exist.
Answer: d)

4. How does correspondence transform our perception of the natural world?
a) By limiting it to material aspects.
b) By revealing it as a manifestation of spiritual principles.
c) By ignoring spiritual dimensions.
d) By focusing only on scientific explanations.
Answer: b)

5. What does correspondence affirm about the relationship between natural and spiritual realms?
a) They are interconnected and reflect the Divine order.
b) They are entirely separate.
c) They have no connection.
d) They are mutually exclusive.
Answer: a)

1. How does the idea that natural phenomena have spiritual causes influence your understanding of the world around you?

2. Can you identify specific natural occurrences in your life that may correspond to spiritual causes according to the science of correspondence?

3. How might the understanding of correspondence between natural and spiritual realms impact your perception of daily events and experiences

Correspondence Reflection Exercise

  1. Morning Observation: Choose a natural phenomenon you will encounter today (e.g., a plant, the weather, a landscape).
  2. Spiritual Contemplation: Reflect on what spiritual cause or principle this phenomenon might correspond to.
  3. Daily Journal: Observe and note throughout the day any ways in which this natural phenomenon might mirror or represent spiritual realities you experience or perceive.

Choose one of the key points from the video and try to express and integrate it creatively through your senses. Pick a modality to do this through, perhaps a different one from what you chose for the previous module. Consider drawing or painting, making or listening to music, poetry, exercise, gardening, cooking, or even just watching the colourful or dramatic impressions of the natural world. There are so many ways you can engage with it. Record your insights from this exercise and also document any differences in what is awakened in you with this new modality.

You will have your own personal preferences, but here are two pieces of music and art that you might like to use for inspiration to get you started. Try to be sensitive to the emotions and thoughts that present as you engage with these, and reflect on how this might relate to your chosen key point.


The Moldau” by Bedřich Smetana


“Jacob’s Ladder” by William Blake

Allow yourself the ‘time and space’ to process what you have worked through on these 11 modules on Heaven. Also, inner reflective work can give rise to states of uncertainty and conflict, as well as opening up many questions. If you would like to talk with someone to explore these more, then please Contact Us.

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