09. Spiritual Beauty

Those who ascribe everything to nature can indeed observe such facts, but they think of them merely as facts and say that nature produces them. They say this because they have set their minds against thinking about the Divine; and those who do this, on seeing the wonders of nature, cannot think rationally, much less spiritually, about them. Their thinking is based on sense-impressions and material ideas, so that they think from nature within nature, and not above that level; as do those who are in hell. Their only difference from animals is their rationality; that is to say, they can understand and think differently if they wish. (Conjugial Love 416{3})

A person’s interiors are divided into separate degrees through derivation from one another; and in keeping with those degrees they also differ in the level of light they possess. The light on the internal sensory level next to the bodily senses is the dullest, a light that much experience has enabled me to recognise. I have also noticed that every time I have descended to this degree of light falsities and evils of many a kind have presented themselves, indeed even slanders against what is heavenly and Divine, not to mention things of a foul and disgusting nature. The reason why is that this kind of light prevails in hell, and hell enters a person by means of this light especially. When this is the kind of light a person has, his thought possesses virtually the same kind of light as his external sight, and takes place almost on the level of the body. People who see in this kind of light must be called sensory-minded, for their thought does not rise beyond sensory impressions received by the body. Such people do not have any perception of or belief in things that lie beyond the senses; they believe only what they can see and touch. This is the light that people see by who have not devoted any attention whatever to more internal things; in life they have neglected or treated with contempt everything of a rational or spiritual nature. (Arcana Coelestia 6310{1-2})

If a person were not removed from the powers of the senses, which form the external levels of the natural, that is, if he were not raised from them to more internal levels, the Divine could not flow in. The reason why the Divine cannot flow in as long as the person’s thought remains on the level of the senses is that influx from the Divine extends right through to things that are last in order, thus right through to the powers of the senses which form the external levels of a person’s natural. If those levels consist solely of bodily and earthly interests the Divine influences coming in are reduced to nothing since they are incompatible with what is there. (Arcana Coelestia 6845)

So it is that the Lord is heaven, for Divine Truth which emanates from Him and is received by the angels makes heaven. Consequently the more perfect the manner in which angels receive Divine Truth that comes from the Lord and accordingly receive the Lord, the more perfect the human forms they possess. Eventually they become so perfect that their beauty surpasses belief; anyone who sees them, as I have done, will be dumbfounded. For in their outward form angels are manifestations of heavenly love and charity, and that is the truly human form. The reason why angels possess human forms is that the Divine in heaven is the Lord, and those who receive Divine Truth within good from Him are images of Him. (Arcana Coelestia 9503)

The angels themselves appear in a human form in the heavens absolutely according to the truths which pertain to them in good, with a beauty and brightness according to the quality of the good from truths. (Arcana Coelestia 8988)

Spiritual Versus Material Causes: Spiritual thinkers see true power in will and intellect, not the material body. Focusing on sensory pleasures weakens both mind and body.

The Hierarchy Of Power: The greatest power is in those who receive Divine Love and Wisdom, free from sensory-based conclusions.

Connection Between Power and Beauty: Mental properties determining power also create beauty. So, alignment with Divine Love and Wisdom results in both spiritual and exterior beauty.

Spiritual Beauty: The greater the alignment with Divine principles the greater the beauty. Thus, beauty in heaven reflects spiritual harmony.

1. According to Spiritual Christianity, where does true power originate?
a) Material body
b) Sensory experiences
c) Will and intellect
d) Physical strength
Answer: c)

2. What weakens both mental and physical capabilities?
a) Alignment with Divine Love and Wisdom
b) The exclusive focusing on sensory objects and delights
c) Spiritual receptivity
d) Intellectual pursuits
Answer: b)

3. Who possesses the greatest power in the spiritual hierarchy?
a) Those who receive Divine Love and Wisdom
b) Those focused on material success
c) Individuals with physical strength
d) Those with high intellectual achievements
Answer: a)

4. How is exterior beauty achieved according to Spiritual Christianity?
a) Through physical exercise
b) By following fashion trends
c) As a reflection of inner spiritual harmony
d) Through sensory pleasures
Answer: c)

5. What determines both the power and beauty of spiritual beings?
a) Their wealth and status
b) Their popularity
c) Their material possessions
d) The degree of alignment with Divine principles
Answer: d) The degree of alignment with Divine principles

1. How can focusing on will/volition and intellect over material attributes enhance your understanding of true power?

2. What practices can you incorporate into your daily life to align more closely with Divine Love and Wisdom?

3. In what ways can recognising the connection between inner spiritual harmony and exterior beauty influence your self-perception and perception of others and your surroundings?

Alignment Practice

  1. Morning Intention: Begin your day with a prayer or meditation, setting the intention to align your will and intellect with Divine Love and Wisdom.
  2. Throughout the Day: Be mindful of moments when you are drawn to sensory pleasures and consciously redirect your focus to spiritual qualities.
  3. Evening Reflection: Reflect on how aligning with spiritual principles influenced your thoughts, actions, and interactions throughout the day.

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