Spiritual Struggle

Calming The Sea Of External Consciousness

It is due to the value that we place on external things that the process of bringing truths into our life involves effort and there will be times when we feel that we are alone and working in the dark. But our willingness to toil in the storm is the means by which truths are tested ...

Jesus Tempted In The Wilderness (4-part series)

This 4-part series explores how the three temptations of Jesus by the Devil in the wilderness offer descriptions of our struggles to let go of self interest and make the Lord's love and wisdom the centre of our life ...

The Abomination Which Stands In The Holy Place

An exploration into how "the abomination of desolation...standing in the holy place" (Matthew 24) can be understood as descriptive of something that is found within us all. And of what we can do when when we see it ...